Euroopan hiekanveiston mestaruuskilpailut ESCC 2022
European Sand Carving Championships 2022
Enonkoski 30.6.22-3.7.22
Competition place: Enonkoski in eastern Finland. Enonkoski is celebrating the 140th anniversary
Dear carvers in Europe
After two cancellations due to the pandemic,
We have NOW the pleasure to invite you to the fifth European sand carving championships. The competition will take place in the picturesque village of Enonkoski. Enonkoski is situated 340 km from Helsinki. Sand carving competitons has been held in Enonkoski several times the venue is newly rebuilt on the market square.
SOLO competition.
We are expecting 12 competitors from different European countries who will be selected after their applications.
You must send your application draft to Kaj-Erik Fohlin ( at the latest 30.04.2022.
The theme for the competition is: PEACE
Competition scedule
Enonkoski: Wednesday 29.06.2022 – Sunday 03.07.2022
Working time about 30 hours, arriving 29.06. in the evening. First working day thursday 30.6.22 8 hours, same time on friday and saturday. Finishing on sunday 03.07.22
Travel home on monday 4.7 after breakfast. NEW
This is a wish from the competitors
Everyone will have a ready made mould (packed). Size 200 by 200 cm
Competition prizes
I prize 1500 euros
II prize 1000 euros
III prize 700 euros
IV – XII, prize 300 euros
The winners and other ranking will be elected by an international jury consisting of persons representing media, visual art, travelling and sandcarving. The spectators will choose their favourite.
Travel costs: The organizer, Jäälinna ry will pay the travelling costs for each competitor from their home country to Finland and return however, up to 200 euros / competitor, against a ticket.(receipt)
Transportation is arranged from Helsinki to Enonkoski on wednesday 29.6. We have a charter bus, which pick up you at Helsinki airport on wednesday. Exact times will be given later but we would like that you plan your trip so that you are in Helsinki latest at 17.00 on wednesday 29.6. Travelling time to Enonkoski 4,5 hours. and back in Helsinki on monday4.7. afternoon ca 15.00.
Accomodation and meals: Jäälinna ry will pay for the accomodation and meals ie breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Accomodation is in a good hostel type guesthouse. Fully renovated Bistro and a new Guesthouse
We don’t pay your hotel or hostel in Helsinki after competition. But it is possible to stay there one night or more. The price is 50-150 euros per night depending on hotel level.
Welcome to Finland
Tuomo Jantunen Kaj-Erik Fohlin
Jäälinna ry Jäälinna ry
Chairman Competition manager
Euroopan hiekanveiston mestaruuskilpailut ESCC 2022 Read More »