Invitation to the Enonkoski Open Sand Carving European Championship summer 2024

Dear Carver Artist,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the Enonkoski Open Sand Carving European Championship (ESCC).

This is a new competition to which we invite 9 carvers (6 from abroad and 3 from Finland). The theme of the competition will be ”PEACE” and we are hoping to get high standard sculptures that represent peace.

The competition will take place in the small, picturesque village of Enonkoski. Enonkoski is situated 340 km from Helsinki. Sand carving competition has been held in Enonkoski several times where the venue is on the market square.

The date will be from the 27th of June to the 30th of June 2024.

At this stage we are asking if you are interested and free to come and if it’s OK, we will send you details of travelling, accommodation, prices etc.

Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 600 euros by flight ticket and the organizer will pick-up from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport at 3 p.m. on June 26, 2024.

This Invitation is also send to the artists that have been in Enonkoski before.

You can take a look at this our web site and see some pictures from previous competitions.

But please let us know about you interest and send an email to

Best Regards,

Keijo Kemppinen
Jäälinna Ry